Event Details
Location: (Name and address) Dunkin’ Donuts Center, One LaSalle Square, Providence RI 02903
Parking location and details: (Parking should be free) Parking will be provided at no charge in the adjacent Rhode Island Convention Center Parking Garage
Event date: Sat. Mar. 26 and Sun. Mar. 27
Event start time & approx. end-time: Sat. Mar. 26: 5:30-8:30; Sun. Mar. 27: 1:30-3:30
Call time: (Should be 1 hour prior to game start or doors open) Sat. Mar. 26: 4:30; Sun. Mar. 27: 12:30
Changing room details: Secure, private changing areas are provided with restrooms, water and snacks.
Maximum number invited: We can accommodate up to 75 characters over the course of the 2 games (so an average of 35 per game)
RSVP by date: 1/31/2022